Monday, April 7, 2008

A Lesson learned

Day 10
A bit is revealed to us this evening. Our professor—again, a very bright and studied man—who is charged with instructing us in Advanced Argumentation has:
  • Undergraduate degree in psychology
  • Masters in Philosophy
  • Completing his doctoral dissertation in Cultural Studies
I venture that he is pursuing the Liberal trifecta. I do enjoy the class and I believe that one gets out of all educational opportunities a proportionate measure of what one puts into them. But his hat-trick of left leaning coursework would seem to do less than adequate to prepare for the professorship of the course at hand.

This new information does give us a window to understand and more readily forgive his Liberal ideological bias spread so thickly in our assignments. He is simply teaching what he has learned—and probably all that he has been effectively taught.

Ironic that we are this very week reading from Emerson’s essay of 1844, “New England Reformers,” that:
“The criticism and attack on institutions, which we have witnessed, has made one thing plain, that society gains nothing whilst a man, not himself renovated, attempts to renovate things around him: he has become tediously good in some particular but negligent or narrow in the rest; and hypocrisy and vanity are often the disgusting result.”
As we approach the end point of this class—a mere three addition sessions on—we begin to see evidence that renovations are sorely needed in our institutions and in the minds of the educators.

Be well,

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